As you may know, getting a divorce, even an Uncontested one pays to shop around for the right provider. We've seen the divorce providers that you pay a small fee (or a large fee) and can print out your completed divorce documents and you're responsible to file them in Court.

Using that type of service, you may be faced with these types of problems.

1. You may be printing out "outdated" documents and won't know until the Court gets to your case and reject your papers. Every year the Court is "updating" their forms and the provider has to do the same.

2. When you're responsible for filing your own divorce papers in Court (I don't care how simple your case may be), what you are essentially doing is inheriting the responsibility for dealing directly with the Court by yourself. If the Court has a question about any of the divorce forms you filed, would you know and understand how to answer the Court's question(s).

3. If you wanted to add more information to your divorce forms (i.e. you have PROPERTY), is the divorce provider able to do that for you?

4. If your divorce gets REJECTED by the Court, will the divorce provider be right by your side and fix the problem so your divorce can continue to be processed by the Court?

5. If you have a question that needs to be answered immediately, are you able to reach your divorce provider via E-mail, Phone, or Text Message, like you can with APS. I can go on and on, but will STOP here. You see where I am going with this.

What APS offer is a very unique experience. Just because the divorce procedure is a lot of work to do for the Court, does not mean the experience has to be complicated for you, it's that SIMPLE!

APS will PREPARE & FILE all your divorce papers in Court. APS is with you until you have your signed Divorce Decree in your hand. This means, if there are any problems while your divorce is being processed by the Court, guess what.... APS will be right there.

If a document gets rejected, APS will fix the document for you and REFILE THE DOCUMENT in Court on your behalf.

If the Court has a question, share the question with APS and APS will interpret the question for you (so you understand the question in A B C language) and APS will assist you to reply to the Court's question(s) - that Simple!

This is just a couple of examples of the level of service you will receive from APS. And if you need a notary, guess what....APS can provide that to you as well!