On this page you can check on the status of your divorce.
Please note, the instructions below is to be used on a DESKTOP COMPUTER only. You can also use the "link" below on a mobile device (e.g. a smartphone), however the instructions will be different on that page. APS recommends using a DESKTOP COMPUTER when obtaining information about your case.
Here are the following steps to be used on a DESKTOP COMPUTER:
Step 1: "Click Here", this is the link to the New York State Unified Court System (NYSUCS) website, which provides online access to information about your divorce.
Step 2: You may search for your case by Index Number or the name of the Plaintiff or Defendant. For example, to search for your case by "Index Number", you would click on the "Index Search" link (located on the left side), and enter your Index Number as requested.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you enter the Index Number the exact way you received it from APS. For Example, your Index Number is 12345/2021, then you have to enter 12345/2021 into the Index Number search box. The easiest way is to simply "copy" the Index Number from the e-mail you received from APS and "paste" it into the search box.
You Do Not See Your Case On The Internet - If you look up your case on the Internet and you do not see any information, that means the COURT has not reviewed your case as of yet.
For example, you type in your INDEX NUMBER and on the next page you see the words "No Cases Found.", that means the Court has not reviewed your case. When the Court does get to your case, you will see information.
Step 3: Once you locate your case, look for the "column" (not the row) that has the words "Case Status" and "Appearance Date".
i) CASE STATUS - inside the box may have the words "Active" or "Disposed"
ACVTIVE means that the Judgment of Divorce has not been signed.
DISPOSED means that the Judgment of Divorce has been signed.
Note: In some rare instances the court may also use the word "dispose" to indicate that your case has been dismiss as a result of something that the court determined to be appropriate to do (i.e. your papers were determined to be "defective" and the defect was not "fix" within the specified amount of time). If something like this was to occur, APS will assist you to have your case "restored back" on to the matrimonial calendar.
ii) APPEARANCE DATE - means that is the "date" that the Judge or Referee is scheduled to review your case. This is not the exact date but a "tentative" date the Court is scheduled to get to your case. You or your spouse does not have to appear at the Court. If the Court requires you or your spouse's presence for any reason(s), then the Court will contact you or your spouse (i.e. with a letter).
If a judge has been assigned to your case, then you will be able to "click on that link which is a date".
If there is no link to click on, then your case has yet to be assigned to a judge. If there is a link/date to click on, then you will be taken to another page within the Court's website.
On that page, look for the column with the words, "Appearance Outcome" and inside that box will have the words "Uncont. Mat. Judgment Signed" (or Granted) or "Uncontested Judgment Signed" (or Granted) - meaning the Judgment of Divorce has been signed by the Judge!