New York CPLR 2106 AMENDED
As of January 1, 2024, CPLR 2106 has been amended under NY Law to allow "most" divorce forms to NOT be signed in front of a notary.
This means, you can provide the divorce document(s) to your spouse and your spouse may be able to simply sign the divorce document(s) without having to go before a notary and return the signed document(s) back to you.
Before the amendment, divorce documents were traditionally required to be signed before a notary. Now, with this new law in place, "most" New York Uncontested Divorce documents do not require to be signed before a notary.
I say the word "most" because depending on your COUNTY and the document(s) you're filing for your divorce, your COUNTY may still require certain specific document(s) to continue to be signed in front of a notary.
This may cause some confusion for you, but using the services of ANDERSON PARALEGAL will ensure you and your spouse signs the correct divorce documents in front of a notary and NOT in front of a notary.