FILING FOR A NEW YORK UNCONTESTED DIVORCE is true that filing for a NEW YORK UNCONTESTED DIVORCE is much Simpler and Easier than you may think!
And the reason why this is possible is because Anderson Paralegal Services, Inc. have taken the entire divorce proceeding and diluted it to its simplest form.
If this was a car company, we have improved time and time again to provide the latest vehicles with all the bells and whistles your heart may desire, so your driving experience is one to remember.
APS may not have been the first to provide New York Uncontested Divorces, but I can assure you, APS is always on top to elevate the divorce service and ensure the "divorce process" is as simple as A, B, C, language.
For example, read the blogs called DIVORCE VIA E-FILE and REMOTE ONLINE NOTARY SERVICES - this is just a couple examples of how APS has elevated the divorce service to the Next Level. It's cool to have a "flip phone" from the 90's, but the rest of the world is moving forward with using a Smartphone!!!
You're getting decades of experience and professionalism. You answer a few questions and follow our instructions, and we guarantee, you will be the next Testimonial.